Curriculum Vitae

My career has taken me from multimedia design houses to development shops and interactive application start ups. I have found that my skill set best positions me to help grow digital agencies and technology start ups.

To view or download a pdf version of my portfolio and resume click on the floppy disk icons.


Brand Identity

UI/UX Design

I believe that a great user experience is an experience that is not noticed at all.

"User centered design means understanding what your users need, how they think, and how they behave and incorporating that understanding into every aspect of your process."

- Jesse James Garrett

Art Direction

My passion for design has taken my career through many different roads, but the idea that drives my efforts most is...

"Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era. It's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good, not just looking good."

- Clement Mok

Non - Profit Marketing

This poster was designed for Volunteer Center Orange County and endorsed by MTV's own "Real World" actor Johnny Bananas. It was part of a marketing campaign positioned to challenge High School students to promote leadership and volunteer in their communities.

La Couleur Maison translated to English means "The Color House." This custom font was inspired by Bauhaus typeface. With meticulous attention to detail I was able to create a simple, san serif, typeface that's contemporary, clean and fun all at the same time.
Brand Identity

En Tu Cara translated to English means "In Your Face" the point in Mix Martial Arts where two opponents stand toe to toe before a match. This brand was designed for a Latino based apparel company who live the life style and support Latinos in the MMA. The logo was derived from the famous Aztec calendar which demonstrates the roots of the Latino warrior brotherhood.
Charity Gala Marketing Campaign

On January 17th, 2008 the state of West Virginia hosted it's 9th annual Charity Gala for Hospice Care at the West Virginia International Auto Show. The gala featured new and top of the line models from more than 25 automotive manufacturers.

The campaign was so successful that governor Joe Manchin III sent a testimonial stating "The success of this year's charity gala campaign was astonishing. It will go down in the history of West Virginia as truly leaving a mark for the cause of Hospice Care and the greater good."
Digital Illustration

The Mad Man portrait is my tribute to one of the most inspiring digital producers to date, RJD2. In the hit AMC series "Mad Men" RJD2's track "A Beautiful Mine" in the opening credits. I am inspired by his music and the TV show fosters my love complex character development. This illustration pays homage to both the man and the great storylines of "Mad Men."
Brand Identity and Product Labeling

Wave Water is an Orange County, CA based drinking water brand. The wave is digitally illustrated and using complimentary colors, a custom masthead and 360 labeling design approach I was able to deliver the composition to my clients satisfaction.


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